SPAIN: Life can change in an instant, as the ongoing war in Ukraine starkly illustrates. Among the talented individuals emerging from this turmoil is...
INDIA: The grand finale of Miss Universe India 2024 unfolded in dazzling fashion on Sunday, September 22, in Jaipur, where 19-year-old Rhea Singha was...
INDIA: In the tranquil town of Chintamani, Karnataka, a remarkable story of perseverance and triumph unfolds, led by the dynamic Principal Shalini Naresh. With...
INDIA: In an awe-inspiring display of endurance and skill, Indian athlete Avinash Sable, gearing up for his second Olympic appearance in Paris, achieved a...
INDIA: Ram Panwar, hailing from Chandigarh, has dedicated himself to advancing yoga as a means to achieve holistic well-being and inner peace. His journey...
INDIA: In the heart of Haryana's small industrial town of Jind, four inmates—Jai Bhagwan, Sunil, Kuldeep, and Anil—share two significant things in common. They...
SPAIN: Patricia Pomies, currently serving as the Chief Operating Officer at Globant, has significantly influenced the global operations of the digital native company since...
UNITED STATES: In celebration of International Yoga Day 2024, the Global Organization of People of Indian Origin (GOPIO), in collaboration with Emmy-nominated filmmaker and...
UNITED STATES: Erika Kullberg has built a substantial digital following, boasting over two million YouTube subscribers and 21 million followers across various social media...
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