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Thursday, September 19, 2024
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Former UK PM Says China Must Pay into Climate Fund for Developing Nations

UNITED KINGDOM: According to former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown, China must contribute to a new fund for developing nations affected by climate-related disasters because...

UN Adopts ‘Loss and Damage’ Climate Fund in Historic Move at COP27

EGYPT: Last night at crucial United Nations climate change conference (COP27) the world's poorest nations were poised to achieve history as wealthy nations appeared...

Lula Receives Criticism for Using a Private Plane for Cop27

BRAZIL: After traveling to the Cop27 environmental summit on a private plane owned by a billionaire businessman, Brazil's president Lula da Silva has come...

More Than 50 Developing Countries on the Brink of Bankruptcy, Says UN Official

EGYPT: Over 50 of the poorest, developing countries are running the extreme risk of defaulting on their debt and becoming bankrupt unless the developed,...

Experts at COP27 Predict that Mexico Will Attempt to “Deceive the World”

MEXICO: Experts have warned that Mexico is likely to declare a jumble of outdated, insufficient, and undeliverable climate pledges that will render its Paris...

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