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Learning Is a Goal Itself, Says Learning Facilitator Srividya Nagaraju

Srividya said that a learning facilitator assists others in maximizing their knowledge and abilities in order to attain their learning goals

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Prachi Pisal
Prachi Pisal
Journalism student, covering India.

INDIA: In another episode of Transcontinental Times’ feature ‘Smart Entrepreneurship Decoded’, TCT’s Nalin Singh interviewed Srividya Nagaraju, an international TEDx speaker & learning facilitator.

Srividya Nagaraju is a learning facilitator and TEDx speaker from India. “Learning at a young age is different,” she stated when asked about the role of a learning facilitator.

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“You don’t appreciate being taught as an adult, and you certainly don’t need to be taught. However, education is critical.”

“I’m not a trainer or a teacher. I merely assist in the learning process. We learn through both our own and other people’s experiences, thus there are many different ways to learn. I help people learn from their mistakes.”

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She went on to say that a learning facilitator assists others in maximizing their knowledge and abilities in order to attain their learning goals.

The importance of the right type of learning

When it comes to learning styles, Srividya believes that there are many different ways to learn. “The importance of a mentor in learning cannot be overstated. Learning is a goal in and of itself; whether it be a skill, a behavior, or anything else, the goal is to learn. That is an excellent leadership habit to develop. Add learning as a goal to your objectives; it will help you succeed. Learning outside of your own domain space is incredibly beneficial, especially for a leader.

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Thanking her mentors, she added, “This feedback has worked well for me.”

Srividya praised Indian saint Swami Vivekananda as a leader to be followed when asked for a role model for young people. “Learning has to come from everyone,” she remarked. “Both learning from the past and learning from today are essential. He motivates me to continue my education. He’s covered everything there is to know about life. Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam has also influenced me.”

Srividya with former Indian President APJ Abdul Kalam Azad. Photo Credit: Facebook

Professional level stories

“It’s not like we have to; we can learn from even today or back then, which is easy to refer to and prove,” Srividya said when questioned about studying from ancient works like the Mahabharata, a 5000-year-old text. 

“Those were the stories we grew up hearing. We can link those events and persons on an emotional and intellectual level at this professional stage, implying that learning has become holistic. It’s equally vital to know what to learn and what not to learn. That is the purpose of the stories. It is impossible to follow it mindlessly.”

Entrepreneur abilities

“Confidence is vital,” Srividya said when discussing entrepreneur abilities. 

“Furthermore, they (the young entrepreneurs) possess all of the necessary knowledge. At different stages of life, confidence takes in different forms. We are here to express ourselves rather than to impress. They have thoughts but are hesitant to share them.”

“It’s important to understand that requesting help openly is a strength, not a weakness.” Assisting others is also a form of education. Furthermore, a little bit of discipline & consistency helps too. Besides, networking is the most important skill.”

“When it comes to learning, I believe people are more open to receiving guidance these days, which is a good thing. You must learn to relax; your lifestyle plays a significant influence in this,” she noted.

The experienced talk

“With the experience of 16 years working in the corporate sector, I have discovered that working with people, helping others learn, is my passion,” Srividya said when asked about her experiences in this field.

“Working with the police force made me realize that, how challenging their day-to-day life is; unlike many of us, they have no choice but to work for us, in any situation. That was the opportunity for me, to express my gratitude towards the service they are doing.”

“Because I work in a variety of businesses, it’s fun to learn new things. Spending time in other areas is also a great way to learn.”

Moreover, she added, “I utilize a simple approach called parking lot; whatever I’m doing right now, once I’m done, I’m not going to carry it forward. When you have a car, you park it somewhere safe and don’t take it with you everywhere.”

Watch the whole interview here:

Also Read: No Business Has Become Successful in One or Two Years, Says Competent Entrepreneur Nisha Dhanuka


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