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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Mission Sponsors Less Privileged Children To School

The school children were oriented on sexual adolescent health with a focus of how to avoid being sexually preyed upon

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Justina Asishana
Justina Asishana
Justina Asishana is a Nigerian from Edo state. She is a data and investigative journalist who also fact-checks. She covers health, agriculture, education and governance

NIGERIA. Abuja: A Non-governmental Organization (NGO), Goodnews Philippian Mission has sponsored five children from less privileged home to school.

The sponsorship which is for a year will help relieve the families of the children the burden of paying fees for some time and also enable them to gather the funds for the fees of the next terms.

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The scholarship was awarded to the children during the Children’s day celebration organized by the Goodnews Philippian Mission

The Founder of the Mission, Miss Lois Tofunmi Aderomose explained that they could only award a scholarship to five children because of the resources available.

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The students during the programme. Photo Credit: Justina Asishana

She said, “the scholarships were given to children who had lost of their parents while some who have their parents are struggling to pay their fees due to some difficulties.

“Although the scholarship is just for some time, we hope to continue as the Lord blesses us”, she explained.

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Children’s Day Programme

The three-day programme was held at the Saint Phillip’s Academy in Abuja sensitized the children about adolescent sexual health, emotional violence and emotional intelligence.

The Keynote Speaker, Miss Bidemi Adedire who is the founder of Smile Outreach explained about adolescent sexual health while she taught the children how to identify sexual predators who lure young people.

She explained terms like sexual groomers and sexual blessers who are people who engage in predatory conduct to prepare a child or young person for sexual activity at a later time. 

“It can include communicating or attempting to befriend or establish a relationship or other emotional connection with the child and their guardian. 

Explaining the need why she had to teach such a topic to the children, Adedire explained that they have discovered cases where teenagers or adolescents are groomed before they are sexually abused pointing out that it is usually difficult for the victim to identify when they are being groomed until after they have been sexually abused.

She tried to boost the self-esteem of the children urging them to speak out when they feel someone is trying to groom them towards being sexually abused.

Activities presented by the children

Poems were presented by the pupils of Nursery one class and a brief enlightenment was given by the JSS 1 students on the purpose of the children’s day and how it originated.

The students asking questions. Photo Credit: Justina Asishana

There was also a march pass done by the students’ and cultural dances were presented by the three major languages in Nigeria ( Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba).

Awards were presented to the students who participated in the match pass and the results showed that the JSS 1 students took 3rd position, JSS 3 students took 2nd positions and the SS 1 students took 1st position.

The tracts Sarah’s story in the Bible which was written by Aderomose Lois Tofunmi were shared with the students.

Participants Remarks

One of the Awardees, Precious John expressed her gratitude to the Mission for considering her for the scholarship.

She promised not to disappoint the Mission, her school and the nation.

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One of the teachers, Mrs Godwin Mary appreciated the programme saying that it has created a new sexual approach amongst the students.

She pointed that most of the questions the students had about sexual health and relationship were adequately answered without any restrictions.

Another teacher, Ugwuome Onyedikachi said that such teachings will go a long way to build the future of the children and help fight against teenage violence saying, “I gained a lot of things and I am sure I can handle situations like this.”

A student, Oluwole Nifemi Divine described the outreach as life-changing which makes her realize her worth, her right and that she has a right to speak out when molested or harassed. 
“I have learnt a lot from this, I learnt that if such ever happens I should always speak out and find someone elderly to talk to.”


  • Justina Asishana

    Justina Asishana is a Nigerian from Edo state. She is a data and investigative journalist who also fact-checks. She covers health, agriculture, education and governance

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