AFGHANISTAN. Herat: On the fifth day of the battle around Herat city in western Afghanistan, the Taliban fighters advanced toward the city center. A group of the Taliban fighters entered the Darb-Kandahar area near the city center, but faced resistance from security forces and the local uprising forces.
From west villages of Herat, the Taliban fighters entered the civilian houses in Ghaibatan, and Havadeh, to advance toward the last security belt in Ab Borda which is 2 kilometers far from the Herat city center. The petrified civilians told Transcontinental Times that the Taliban forcibly asked people to let them get on the rooftops of their houses.
“40 of the Taliban fighters positioned inside a 3rd-floor house in Ghaibatan village of Herat and asked a civilian house to cook them 40 bread,” a resident said in condition of anonymity.
By Wednesday night, citizens of Herat went to the rooftops of their houses and to the streets near the center of the city, and shouted,” Allahu Akbar” in support of Ismail Khan, Jihadi leader and leader of Herat resistance movement forces and the security forces.
Meanwhile, the Taliban fighters entered to some part of the city and installed their flag temporarily as they were facing the resistance of Ismail Khan forces and the Afghan forces.

“From Pol-Manarda in eastern part of Herat to the Pol-Malan and Pol-Pashtun in south of Herat to the Shalbafan and Ganj area that turn around to the west of Herat city, were attacked by the Taliban. But we’re repulsed. “
The residents of west villages of Herat told Transcontinental Times that the Taliban fighters still have huge presence in the following villages despite the airstrikes and huge losses they had in Ganj and Shalbafan and Ghaibatan area.
Doctors at the government hospital said, “At least 25 people killed including 6 civilians and 19 members of ANDSF. At least 175 people wounded, at least 100 civilians among those wounded.”
Meanwhile, Helmand in south of Afghanistan, another major city has been under the siege and attacks of the Taliban for weeks now. The Taliban reached the PD7 district of Helmand city and their attacks on Helmand to release their fighters were pushed back.
The Taliban seized the National Radio Television of Helmand and staged their attacks from multiple sides.
On Wednesday, the airstrikes targeted a house that Taliban were stationed and 7 civilians including small children along with women were killed.
Also Read: Civilians Killed In Roadside Bomb In Helmand, Afghanistan
Fighting against the governors office, police HQ, National Defense and security forces head quarters and prison continues. Air strikes were carried out earlier this Tuesday morning.
Local reporters from Lashkargha, Helmand’s city center report that the civilians are stuck inside their homes in a city now under attack. “Half of the Lashkargah bazaar and shops are taken by the Taliban.”
“Taliban drove in a suicide car bomb against the prison in Lashkargah. The attacker detonated the car bomb packed with explosives against the prison wall.Commandos pushed back large scale Taliban attack against prison,” officials say.
This comes as Kandahar, another major city of Afghanistan in south is under contact attacks from the Taliban fighters. The entire districts of Herat, ports, and the districts of Kandahar and Helmand are under the Taliban control.
The US airstrikes continue in support of the Afghan security forces and the local forces at the time that the Taliban captured over 200 districts out of nearly 400 districts. The Taliban are now advancing toward the city centers of key cities of Afghanistan.
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