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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Positive Impacts of COVID-19 on Work Culture

The golden lining which has been overlooked till now will be the significant change in people’s long term behavior because of a surge in working from home

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Pradeep Chamaria
Pradeep Chamaria
I am a photojournalist. Love to travel to unknown and unexplored vistas. Since 1992, I make places desirable for other travelers through experiential Travel Writing.

INDIA: The Pandemic affected 213 countries across the world according to WHO. It still is a nightmare turned into reality as the world still fights with hospitals filling to the brim and horizon being darkened by the economic disaster.

The world is now trying to limp back to normalcy as the lockdowns are being eased across nations. The lockdown has shown us what we could have never imagined before – large number of people falling ill, so many people succumbed to the virus, closing of borders, closing down of schools and offices, Government orders to stay shut at homes. The pandemic turned out to be a gut-wrenching reality check.

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In a short time, the world had been transformed. Hundreds of thousands of people have died and millions fell ill from a virus that was previously unknown before appearing in the city of Wuhan in December 2019. Even for millions of others who are lucky enough to have not caught the disease, their entire way of life has changed. 

Pic credits: freepik

Effect on Personal lifestyle and Work Culture:

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The golden lining which has been overlooked until now will be the significant change in people’s long term behavior because of a surge in working from home. It will have to be seen if people will want to go back to what it was like before. The pandemic has shown that people can change their behaviour if it’s for the health of their families. And again – the work has not suffered for most of us and it has been learned that people can work pretty efficiently from home too. Travelling, particularly Business travel will certainly decline, as executives have realised that video conferences can achieve the same effect.

The International trade scene is going to change as trade players have already seen how overly they were reliant on the global supply chain and instead will decide to produce their goods, thereby further reducing traveling and traffic – which means less pollution. 

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Many companies will now see the value of having employees work from home, reducing the need for commuting and also reducing the office space to conduct business.

People have already learned to be more resourceful and shopping only sustainably out of necessity. Looking at the positive side after the COVID-19, people should be able to carry our new found zero-waste habits into the future. These small lifestyle adjustments from people all over the world can go a long way to help the environment.

Fashion Industry:

The Fashion industry is now using technology to reduce the number of samples and photoshoots, which saves resources and the need for lots of travel. Investments in 3D modelling software and training have helped reduce the amount of waste created in the development process.

The past few weeks have made it clear that industry can resort to virtual conferences and events, meaning less travel and gatherings. The benefits of a full remote set up, instead of regular WeWork space have been clear. It reduces time and pollution, traveling, saves money, and employees are much more productive and successful with remote partner meetings.

Also, companies have realised that how much waste employees generate through catered food for employees and are now planning to give them a grocery budget. Most of the world has now understood the fact that home-cooked food is healthier, tastier, less waste generator, less pollution emitter, and consumes with less energy. 

The thrust now will be on helping local businesses and local tourism as this pandemic has affected them badly and people now can support them by buying supplies from local sources, thereby supporting the local economy as well as lowering personal impacts on the earth.

What’s eventually going to happen is still to be seen. But, a very important question was raised by UN Secretary-General Anthonio Guterres on March 13th, 2020; “Is the world fighting climate change with a virus”?

Certainly Not… But, Yes, it certainly is a serious wake-up call.


  • Pradeep Chamaria

    I am a photojournalist. Love to travel to unknown and unexplored vistas. Since 1992, I make places desirable for other travelers through experiential Travel Writing.

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